A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Will it be a Happy New Year for ECUSA?

The way the Episcopal Church is bounding into 2007 I wonder very much that things can hold together. The New Testament tells us that a bishop should be "of good report without". Seems most are trying to become only of good report within their own cabal.

Another church, the historic Christ Church in Savannah, has become the latest to find their bishop treating them with contempt. No wonder secularism is on the rise in western democracies! Apparently, according to this church, the bishop will not answer their perfectly proper questions about what is happening since Katharine Jefferts-Schori took over. Take a look at their link "Read this important letter from the Rector, Wardens & Vestry to the Congregation!" - I think it is rather disturbing.

The picture on this posting shows the three bishops of the Diocese of Georgia. All seems sweetnesss and light with them. In fact they seem to be sharing a good joke. These Christian gentlemen, Bishop Louttit, Bishop Shipps, and Bishop Keyser, are the stewards of the Faith in Georgia. So if the General Convention adds in new doctrines to the Episcopal Church, are the faithful allowed to ask their bishop for guidance? Apparently only if you're signed up to the new doctrines already!!

Bishop Louttit appears to be an odd cove. Turns up at a service unannounced, then tells the Rector "I owe you a telephone call" and departs. Given a warm reception, they say, but he then gets the diocesan chancellor to write what amounts to a threatening letter.

What was that joke? Surely not themselves?


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