A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Terrorist Watch in Warwickshire

Our local paper, the Solihull Times, reports that the police have visited people in Hampton-in Arden to explain how members of the public could help the authorities prevent terrorist-related incidents. If there's anyone willing, they register with the Community Engagement Register, detailing all their personal information. Then they go out looking for, with their "eyes and ears", "cars parked up, people hanging about, disturbed earth in fields, things put as possible markers".

The two police officers who came to the village were from the Manpads Neighbour Policing Team at Birmingham Airport. They seem to think that somebody may want to take a potshot at planes from a field with a rocket launcher. I see their reasoning, but it's all a bit far-fetched. This just tells me that I need to question their thinking.

I cannot imagine for one minute any Al Queda operative "hanging about" Hampton let alone plodding around a wet field. It is so bizarre. A suicide attack on the airport -YES. This sort of caper -NO!

All that will happen is that visitors to the village will get to know that snoopers exist. I doubt very much if anyone from an ethnic minority will go within a mile of the place. It's 1984 stuff and not very much to do with security or sanity!


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