A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Queen hands out Maundy Money on her Maundy Thursday birthday

To day is the Queen's birthday. Many happy returns, Your Majesty. 85 years old so eighty-five recipients of the specially minted coins. This is the first time that the Queen has had her birthday coincide with Maundy Thursday. Being an April birth, she no doubt has had it on most of the other special days. I'm in June and have always been quite pleased about that. Princess Alexandra was born on Christmas Day. I've known a few people born on or around such days and they have admitted it was difficult for parties and presents.

Maundy Thursday could be Maundy Wednesday according to recent research. But as with birthdays, it does not really matter if the Last Supper was a day earlier. Tonight many churches observe the Washing of the Feet as part of the Mass of the Lord's Supper. I've noticed that for those witnessing this ritual for the first time, it has quite an impact on them. The symbolism of washing feet is not lost. It just wipes away feelings of self-importance.

I like the comment from one of this year's Maundy money recipients, Dorothy Boyde. At 75, she has never left the Isle of Man before. She told the BBC, "I wouldn't go for anything else. It's a big adventure." Thing is, will she get a taste for travel? The world may be her oyster.


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