Eddie Cochran died fifty years ago yesterday. I was not yet ten years old and in those days I never much heard about him, as it was only the Light Programme. I did as a teenager and in my twenties. He was only 21 years old when he died. But what a legacy of real rock 'n roll he left us with. Still a fan. I bet he would have been a star today except the hips might not be swivelling so much.
His records still sell and he's a regular on most golden oldie stations. Eddie's recording career may have been short but he's able to hold is own with the best fifty years on.
Here's the real Eddie in action -
And he's a really good tribute to him!
“Independent bodies “ often let us down
We have suffered from the dangerous doctrine of the independent body. Many
MPS and the main parties have accepted the idea that politicians cannot be
8 hours ago
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