When New Labour came to power in 1997, Tony Blair proclaimed that "things could only get better"! After the lacklustre ending of the John Major government, with sleaze and squabbling at the heart of the Tory Party, Blair's benign overtures to the country seemed to fit well with most people.
Now eight years on, Faded and Jaded Labour has outdone the previous government with jobs for the boys and girls, knighthoods for party donors, and all manner of squalid deals and dodgy policies! These policies usually have some "researcher" or "consultant" offering Blair a reason for doing something. 24 hour licencing of pubs and other premises that sell alcohol is one policy in question.
The Government thinks it is OK to do, to offer 24 hour licenses. So they get in the researchers! One odd-ball outfit is the Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC) which is run by a certain Dr. Peter Marsh. His "research" was highlighted in the Mail on Sunday as being of dubious quality. But the telling thing was that when the Mail on Sunday caught up with the good doctor he was actually in a pub and inebriated! He apparently became aggressive, shouting four-letter words! When challenged on his behaviour, he said "It was justifiable belligerence. It's a bit much, having you guys and the photographers turning up." He is pictured in the Mail on Sunday as if he is well plastered!
The question surely must be is whether we want these "researchers" giving their advice to a government that is not that hot on original thought!
Peace in Ukraine?
It is difficult to assemble a coalition of the willing to keep or enforce a
peace which has not yet been negotiated. So far 25 countries including some
1 day ago
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