A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What a Crazy World!!

Tonight the local news revealed that a vicar from Tamworth has stepped down as a school governor after kissing a primary pupil on the cheek to congratulate her. The Rev Alan Barrett kissed the girl in front of pupils and teachers because she had done well in maths. He was utterly astonished that the police got involved. So am I. What on earth are we doing to our children making them think wrong things of every action.

Christians should be loving to each other. The Diocese of Lichfield says "The simple act of a kiss on the cheek - a common greeting throughout the world - has potentially damaging consequences".

I'd tell the archdeacon, who apparently conducted this crazy investigation, that the lack of moral leadership, the casual attacks on the sacraments, the push for female prelates, the general inability of Church leaders to understand the gospel, and the blind-eye to "same-sex" unions have far more potentially damaging consequences!!

Apparently the girl's mother made the complaint! I suppose she reads the Sun, which portrays all clerics as either perverts or hypocrites! What sort of life does this mother want her daughter to live? We, as a country, are so sexually inverted that we DO NOT anymore appreciate innocence, fun, and, above all, affection between ourselves.

God help us all - oh, and the Archdeacon of Lichfield, the Venerable Chris Liley, who said that "even giving a child a kiss of congratulations is inappropriate in this day and age". How sad!


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