A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Holiday absence

I've been off air having a break. Not so much a holiday in the sense of flying off to foreign parts, more a case of going up the M42 to the East Midlands. One thing these new regions do is give a sense of artificial separateness. Although it seems most East Midlanders are not aware of the actual boundaries, as most look to the Derby, Leicester and Nottingham triangle as being the eastern part of the Midlands.

Whilst away, lots seemed to be happening. Being away from the computer is a break in itself, but a blogger always keeps thinking of things. I'm not so determined as to sit in a corner of Starbucks tapping out messages, but the internet offers us 24/7 access as much as constant involvement if we want it!


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