A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Friday, January 11, 2008

FBI in unpaid bills embarrassment!

It would never have happened in J. Edgar Hoover's days. The very thought. Unpaid bills indeed. The FBI has had some of its telephone wiretaps disconnected because they failed to pay their bills, even after reminders. You'd think that some wiseguy would tell the operatives listening in that the phone lines could go dead any minute on account of the fact that they had an "antiquated" accounting system. Evidence lost in the process. The War on Terror needs better!

This is symptomatic of the over-bureaucratising of government. The Americans, the British, the EU Commission, they're all at it with their lacklustre approach to accounting. That's why I support Ron Paul. Because he says he'll kick up a fuss where it's needed.

The Hoover family gave their name to vacuum cleaners. The clean-up is coming!


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