A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Thursday, February 28, 2008

EU President says "nothing to do with me, guv"!

The EU President of the European Parliament, Dr Hans-Gert Poettering, has an ostrich's view of the report on EU staffing expenses. (Reported this morning on the Today Programme). The EU hierachy is desperate for the brown envelope fraudsters not to be found out. They are a bunch of hypocrites. This is a gravy train that has to be stopped before we all hit the buffers.

Dr. Poettering says he is "rather helpless" in getting the report on financial corruption published. What a crock from the doc!

We are currently having our Prime Minister ramroad through Parliament the Treaty, which he says is not like the Constitution. What hogwash! This PM, a part-time MP job-sharing with an MSP, has shoved Prudence out of his house to walk the streets, he has lost much in the way of personal integrity, he is grumpy and moody, and he has the gall to suggest that the people don't matter. By signing up to the Treaty he is signing us up to the type of corruption that the EU Doc has no control over!

Gordon Brown must realise that the vast majority of this country now thinks this Treaty is bad for the UK. But, heck, we don't matter. Just let the snouts keep sniffing, that's the message from our Gordon. After all, his tetchy response to David Cameron yesterday at PMQs shows he has very little concern for "standards"!


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