A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Ron Paul out of the wilderness!

Yesterday I was posting about horses bolting. Today it's about the fact that a lot of folks in America think they bet on the wrong horse. All those GOP primary votes wasted on the likes of Giuliani, Huckabee and Romney. Ron Paul is the horse now favoured by the punters. Everyone is coming up to pat him saying they always knew he had fine ideas. Blah, blah! Where were they when they were needed most. Even Fox News is all over Dr.Paul like a rash. And they did their level best to keep him in the margins as a quack doctor peddling some herbal remedy. Now they can't get enough of his tonic!

So, guess what? Ron Paul supporters, from the Campaign for Liberty, turn up at the CPAC 2009 shindig and find that everyone is talking his language. Ron Paul went down very well so we are told. David Weigel, writing in the Guardian, a paper not known for its sympathies with the right, says of Paul's surge in admirers - "What's changed in two years? It's not only that Republicans have lost an election – it's that Republicans do not yet understand why they lost. They are not willing to consider that they lost votes because Americans wanted more social democratic policies. The official explanation for their loss is that Republicans spent too much money and lost touch with their values. It only makes sense that Paul, who has been arguing for years that the GOP needs to get back to the values of pre-New Deal America, should be winning over young hearts and minds."

Winning over young hearts and minds. It will be these who will be paying off the trillion dollars going everywhere and who do not want anymore financial nonsense to carry on.


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