Carrie Prejean is the current Miss California and she believes that "a marriage should be between a man and a woman". This is not an outlandish belief. It is the Christian understanding of human sexuality and is the bedrock of the Sacrament of Matrimony. Whilst a few who profess to Christian belief take alternative opinions and the gay community obviously think otherwise, it is nonetheless orthodox belief.
You may wonder what all this is about. Well, Miss Prejean replied honestly to a question about marriage at the Miss USA contest. "I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offence to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised." This answer caused the libertines and free spirits to turn apoplectic.
Keith Lewis, who runs the Miss California competition, released a statement condemning Miss Prejean's comments. "As co-director of the Miss California USA, I am personally saddened and hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman." Well, well! What a critically opinionated guy he is, for sure.
Mr. Lewis represents the kind of "democrat" that wants only one course of action. He may think he is a liberal, but some liberals can be very illiberal indeed. So he engineered her demise as Miss USA! Rather spitefully he said, "She lost it because of that question. She was definitely the front-runner before that."
I think Miss Prejean is well out of it. Spending a year promoting his pageant queen business would be hell on earth. At least she knows she has her integrity intact!
Peace in Ukraine?
It is difficult to assemble a coalition of the willing to keep or enforce a
peace which has not yet been negotiated. So far 25 countries including some
1 day ago
Carrie is the greatest!!! She has a moral center. I love a woman like that!!!
Don't ask for anyone's opinion if if you don't want hear it. Whatever belief you stand for, you have the right to express yourself, so are those that don't agree with you.
Good for her!! She has every right to express her beliefs and opinions!! She was a winner in all of this because she did not compromise her values!! Great job!!
Since when did a gossip columnist become the moral compass of this great country?
He critizes her for being honest and sharing her opinion and then responds calling her the "b" word and wanting to call her the "c" word. Give me a freaking break.
The guy is a worthless piece of trash and certainly does not represent the "majority" of the USA.
She definitely comes out of this better than he does! After all, she meant no offence and said so. He is the one that looks like the sad loser.
Carrie Prejean I Am Glad to Know your our Miss California and i believe that "a marriage should be between a man and a woman" "Too". Honestly for saying what you said about homosexuality , takes a lot of Heart and Courage Beauty Queen to stand up for what we believe in.
Sincerely an Admirer HTS
I am proud to see that there are still Americans willing to stand up for their Christian beliefs, especially when there is so much opposition to Christianity today. I pray that Ms. Prejean continues to stand strong in her faith in God, even though she is being publicly ridiculed. We must always consider "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO!" and then act in that way, not the ways of the world.
She said what she believes, good for her. Free speech still exists, doesn't it ??? Tell Mr. Hilton to keep his rhetoric where it belongs, and this certainly was WAY out of line. His public reaction has also been disgusting.
It is a sad sad day when you lose the competition because of your moral beliefs! What is this world coming to? I give her cheers! She actually worried more about what God thought then the World! What a concept! You go girl!
I suppose the next thing will be that gay men "must" be allowed to participate in beauty contests! This is so absurd, when did we change our fundamental beliefs so that having a different opinion or belief about something makes you bad or automatically wrong? HE ASKED, SHE ANSWERED, PULL UP YOUR PINK PANTIES PERREZ AND GET OVER IT!
I never post on these blogs but I want my support of Carrie shown. Good for her that she stood up for her beliefs. It is amazing that tolerance is only acceptable when people are made to tolerate views like gay marriage. But there is no tolerance for those who stand behind the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Carrie - you are a winner in my eyes. Thank you!
When you lose a competition which includes Perez Hilton in its panel of judges, consider that a compliment. Cherish your freedom and hold on to what you know is right. God bless you.
Bless you, Carrie. Forget about the liberal rants of Perez and his gay rights agenda. Also, if that is what the guy running the Miss California pageant said, then I would certainly return the crown to him with a middle finger up! Keep speaking the truth, girl!
How can Ms Blondie represent a country founded on EQUALITY if SHE HERSELF does NOT believe in it for EVERYONE no MATTER who they are...
Im assuming Perez is Gay. So i dont think it was fair for him or anyone to ask that question. He had pretty much one answer he wanted to hear. Why was he there anyway?
I was raised not to ask a question if u can't handle ANY answer. It wasnt like she was rude or insulting. I think she should have got "points" for not backing down and being honest
I find it odd that when a woman stands before millions and gives an answer to a question that she must answer, and should be honest, she is raked over the coals for expressing her ethics. Former Miss U.S.A. who is now a sponser for the California pagent is saying Carrie is not the type of person they want to represent Miss U.S.A. Yet after she won Miss U.S.A. I believe I read she then represented Miss U.S.A. well by later taking off her crown then her shirt, pants, and so on for Playboy. Carrie never said she hated people who are gay, nor did she say she would not respect them as a person. She just stood firm as a strong Christan woman and gave her answer. Some agree others do not, but do not believe for a moment that when she gave her answer she made the choice to honor God and possible lose the crown. But mark my words, her firm stance will be talked about in universities, churches, and even in Washinton for years to come. Carrie Prejean, good girl!
Carrie Prejean I admire you so much for stating your honest opinion even though many wanted a politically correct and dishonest answer. I deplore the attacks by the blogger judge with an agenda that should never have been allowed on the floor of the pageant.
If you don't want an honest answer don't ask the question. She was asked what she thought and she said what she thought. It is truely
sad that some others out there can only respect opinions that are in lock step with their opinions
Perez get a life! You asked a question and you received an honest to goodness answer. Live with it. You don't have to start calling the girl names just because she didn't answer the way you wanted her too. Perez, you are a real piece of work. Carrie,
thank you for your honesty and with that you should have won Miss USA.
Blessed are you when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall
say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Mt. 5: 11
Thanks for standing tall.
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