This is Giglamps Rentamouth from the self-styled United Against Fascism organisation. He is a tasty piece of democratic legitimacy, that's for sure. He is the mirror image of the fascists he seeks to impose his restrictions on. An aggressive man, full of bile and self-righteous pomposity. He was also on Newsnight when he let his mouth run away with him and accused Simon Hughes, the Liberal Democrat MP, of not putting enough effort into challenging the BNP. Simon Hughes has an exemplary record in opposing the BNP. This clown has the exact opposite.
I cannot for the life of me understand why David Cameron would want to be associated with such an undemocratic and positively loathsome character as this. Because David Cameron is a signatory to their cause. The Conservative Party should be able to confront the inate socialism and spurious policies of the BNP without consorting with mindless criminals like this!
A challenge to Council candidates
Here’s a way for Council candidates to improve their chances of election.
Offer lower Council tax. Why do so many candidates compete to spend more
and put ...
6 hours ago
Well, I expect by now you've seen the kind of divisive, hate-filled fascism the UAF can whip up, even in the peace activists from the Religion Of Peace, who were so peaceful today (11/09/09), they were throwing bottles and bricks at the police and generally smashing the place up, even though there was no-one to fight.
Well done, UAF, you must be very proud. You've managed to whip up more racism, more hatred, more anger, and divide more communities.
The best thing people who genuinely want peace can do is to look at the wall of shame and then write to their local MP and ask if they really support egging and bricking and violence and the kind of fascism that comes through the UAF's thug-fests.
I've had the reply from Cameron - he is NOT a supporter of the UAF (as they have listed him). I'd be interested to see what YOUR MP says!
I'm very pleased to hear that David Cameron is not a UAF suporter. I found it hard to believe when I saw it. I suppose his continued inclusion in their list is an illustration of some kind of fascist stubborness on their part!
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