A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Friday, September 18, 2009

Postal Picks Today


Tory Bear asks how low Alistair Campbell will fall. In his loathing of the Tories probably as far as Hell itself. The journey back could be frightening!

James Cleverley rather cleverly juxtaposes the upbeat feeling of young people in London with the notion that "too many young Londoners still have a tough time".

The Monarchist reminds us of the Siege of Toulon. I must read more, my history is failing me!

The Red Rag has a fascinating picture of Baroness Scotland seemingly about to swipe a red poppy from a bespectacled man's face.

Wonko's World has a piece on Mandelson. Wonko thinks he's incompetent. He is that! Impotent as well in a manner of speaking.


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