A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Monday, June 07, 2010

Back to the blogging

Ant and Dec in their BBC days. Sitting as Dec and Ant!I've been otherwise engaged lately, what with half term and doing other things other than blogging. I've also been seeing how the coalition is bedding down before making any comment that could be regarded as meaningful. I've also been watching Britain's Got Talent. And it definitely has. Piers Morgan is dead right. We talk ourselves down terribly. If anything is going to get us out of this catastrophic mess, then it's talented people. Some will make us laugh, some will make us cry, but we need a dose of reality on the way.

With regard to Ant and Dec, I think they deserve their BAFTA. They've virtually learnt their trade in full view of the public. There was a time when I didn't know who they were. I thought it was someone called Anton Deck. I muttered something as much to my wife. She responded by saying they were really Antanddec, rather like Williamandmary, aka King Billy and his queen. Speaking to my sister over the weekend she said they always had to stand with Ant on the left so that people knew which was which. "You know some people don't know which is which!" she exclaimed. A straw poll seemed to confirm that. Very strange. I can understand not knowing them both, but surely not when one is aware of them as performers.

So I watched the BAFTAs and, when they came up to receive the award, they had to get into position. It's not as though they look alike. I'd suggest they forgo this and just stand as they want. And those too moronic to decipher who is who, well.......


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