A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Day

Royal Wedding Watcher
Two billion people will be watching the Royal Wedding on television. Staggering thought. I've also thought of those hardy souls in California and the West Coast. Have they stayed up late or got up early? I see Tara Palmer-Tomkinson has been invited and her hat as well. The weather looks like it may just about hold out. Any foreigner who is watching and is thinking of England and April showers can be assured that this April has been spectacularly sunny and warm. Maybe global warming has some benefits. John Redwood said he hoped this was a plus side of it and he seems to have had his wish fulfilled this month. The weather forecasters change their predictions on a daily basis now. Yesterday Solihull was being prescribed "white cloud" for today, yet now it is supposed to be "sunny intervals". London will get similar sunny spells. This has been the pattern throughout April. I get the impression we are being given gloomy weather predictions by the forecasters and God is shining on their parade.

Anyway, come rain or shine, the crowds out in the streets won't be bothered. It's a great day to day. I liked the bubbly comments a young woman from Kentucky, camped out on a vantage point. She gave the lowdown on the day to a BBC reporter. He then passed the microphone to a lugubrious Englishman who commented "she knows more about it than I do!". "She's American", was the BBC man's retort.

Great interest around the world. Wow!


Here in the United States you could get up in the middle of the night to watch all the coverage. Here on the East Coast just getting up awfully early would have done the trick. Or, you could do what I did -- watch a rebroadcast later in the day. You can still watch the whole thing via various Internet and cable TV options.

Ah, but it's not the same as watching live. I stayed up all night watching the first landing on the moon. I've juggled the giant leap quotation with David Frost's question "Will this change our understanding of God?". I think the former did much better as the latter never got proper answer.

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