A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is Bill Bratton to be the new Metropolitan Police chief?

Will Bill Bratton be the new broom for London?
There is some speculation that Bill Bratton, former Los Angeles Police Chief and scourge of gangs in New Yok City will become Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. The Los Angeles Times thinks it may be so as does ABC News, which notes that Theresa May may not be doing her job in a manner conducive to David Cameron's liking. Apparently she is determined to hold the line that only British citizens can have the job. But police officers do not swear allegiance, just that they will uphold laws and offer no favours. I can't see that this would be an impediment for Mr.Bratton. We are told that the best person for the job is good enough for businesses, where several have foreigners at the helm. If Mr.Britton can clear things up, why not? He seems to have stiff bristles in his broom!


As an update, he's going to be an adviser not commissioner.

From patrolling the streets to enforcing traffic laws, police officer jobs perform the most important role in every community these are to keep the streets safe and protect citizens from harm.

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