A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Monday, October 24, 2011

King Cameron or Clown Cameron?

Cameron says it's no laughing matter
David Cameron has some choices to make and he needs to make them soon. He also needs to be seen as a politician who believes in something rather than offering nebulous solutions. The British tend to prefer their politicians to be either hot or cold. By that I mean, they want to know what their elected representatives believe. One way or the other. What hacks them off is not knowing. So with the "European issue" David Cameron walks like a eurosceptic and talks like a europhile with conditions. Not very satisfactory.

The British public feels that it has been fooled on Europe. Politicians may think they've been honest and above board. I think it's a bit of both. A lot of people I speak to on Europe say they "voted for a common market" but not "a united states of Europe". They complain then about how things have turned out, yet do nothing about attempting to remove from office the MPs they disagree with. The MPs on the other hand keep saying that each treaty is the last treaty. Eurosceptics think it is all a case of jam tomorrow and europhiles are cautious about how far they should go. So it all ends in some very undemocratic actions.

What is David Cameron in favour of? Does he want the euro to succeed at any cost or can Greece go back to the drachma? Is fiscal union good or bad? Should the EU be a looser federation? There could be a 100 or more questions but on each one David Cameron appears to be either ambiguous, uncertain or downright deceitful. Clarity went out of the window to join Prudence, that other jilted political damsel in distress.

I don't see what his beef is with those MPs in the Conservative Party who are voting for a referendum. Online petitions was his great idea. Did it not cross his mind that 100,000 or more might actually sign up for one on a referendum on Europe? If not, then he's not quite as with it as he likes to portray. And once getting these signatures, what were the MPs supposed to do with the petition? Toss it about the chamber like a volleyball or just sit back and think of something else? So his only gripe is that the timing is not right. A bit like Napoleon and Josephine, I suppose.

One wonders when it ever will be right. What does it take for governments to get it. Only once in my lifetime have I seen political fear in the Establishment and that was when the SNP won eleven seats in the 1974 February election. As if from nowhere, they showed what could be done. Grocer Heath panicked for once! David Cameron's tune may only be changed if UKIP gets MPs to join or wins seats at the next election. I've got issues with UKIP, but electoral success for them at Westminster would give David Cameron something to think about.


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