A View From Middle England - Conservative with a slight libertarian touch - For Christian charity and traditional belief - Free Enterprise NOT Covert Corporatism

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bob Spink to be first UKIP MP?

A lot of turmoil seems to have been created at the margins of party politics at Westminster of late. Labour rebels on the EU Treaty. Then Nick Clegg getting his own dose of rebellion. Nothing much to upset the applecart, though. Now there is a minor scuffle going on on the Conservative benches. Nothing much to upset David Cameron's applecart, either. He's on a roll lobbing tart cookers at the grumpy Brown!

This little local difficulty is over Bob Spink. He's the MP for Castle Point, and not much in favour of the EU. Apparently he's got a few troublesome types in his constituency (from his point of view, that is). He was due to meet with his local association, but decided he'd jack in being their MP so is going for being an "independent Conservative". Not that that will do him much good. About 30 years ago, a certain Tom Iremonger did exactly the same thing. He fought a by-election in Ilford and got thrashed.

Mr.Spink would make far better news for himself if he announced that he was joining UKIP. Nigel Farage MEP, leader of UKIP, knows him, and it would be extremely odd if senior UKIP members were not on some charm offensive right now.

Running as an Independent Conservative at the next election will be totally unnewsworthy. Jumping ship into UKIP now will give Farage and his team momentum up to the local elections and maybe beyond. Spink says he resigned, the ex-mining Chief Whip says he was pushed out! Whatever the Conservatives are saying, it would make far more of a political statement by being UKIP's first MP, rather than fading into the green leather as an independent.

Will he do it?


You’re welcome to him. Excluding his views on the EU (which I have no problem with) have you seen his voting record?

Does UKIP want the kind of politician who puts on his election leaflet "What part of send them back, Mr Blair"? The man comes across as 'slightly unhinged' - that’s not going to help your parties questionable image in the media.

Pete, you're right about the "What part of send them back" message. Spink went over the top here. Reminded me of 1964 and Patrick Gordon Walker's defeat in Smethwick.

You're wrong on me being welcome to him, in that I'm not in UKIP. I'm not currently a member of any party, but consider the Conservatives, UKIP, English Democrats and UK Popular Democrats all have their good points.

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