Under the New Labour fright regime, spying on innocent people is a functioning aspect of our lives. The council in Poole, Dorset have taken advantage of the anti-terror laws brought in by the Blair part of this disgraceful government. Poole Borough Council has disclosed that it had legitimately used the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) to spy on a family. This family had be "shopped" to the council by an unknown person. For two weeks the middle-class family was followed by council officials who wanted to establish whether they had given a false address within the catchment area of an oversubscribed school to secure a place for their three-year-old.
The investigators were too dim to find this out in less than TWO WEEKS! I think it monstrous that anybody in Poole BC thinks that applying such terror tactics is something to be tolerated in Britain today. Mike White is the Cabinet member for education. He boldly promotes this on the council website. "I feel 35 years business background gives me something to offer. I enjoy getting things done and giving something back to the community." Surely he doesn't mean signing up to the horrors of the New Labour fright regime? This man is a Conservative. I cannot believe he was not told of such action by his officials. It is almost unprecedented to use the terror laws to spy on people in this way. He could have found out by merely asking the people involved. A few quick checks would have either rumbled them or found them to be innocent, which in fact they were! Shame on you, Mr. White (or should you now be Mr. Off White?).
According to the Daily Telegraph, the "spies" made copious notes on the movements of the mother and her three children, who they referred to as "targets" as they were trailed on school runs. The snoopers even watched the family home at night to establish where they were sleeping. I am totally opposed to spin and deceit from politicians and totally opposed to draconian laws in a free democracy. This was OTT big time!
The mother at the centre of this spying said,"I'm incensed that legislation designed to combat terrorism can be turned on a three-year-old. It was very creepy when we found out that people had been watching us and making notes. Councils should be protecting children, not spying on them." Exactly!
Poole Borough Council - get your act together, for goodness sake! You are Conservative controlled, but that does NOT mean you control people. This is a very un-Conservative piece of 1984-style control freakery!
Can we rely on NATO?
I have never had problems with the NATO Treaty in the way I did with the EU
Treaty because the NATO Treaty does not require a NATO member to do
anything. T...
11 hours ago
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