When I read what the obsequious James Purnell was up to, I thought (in a fit of crazed fantasy!) that he was suggesting that parliamentary expenses addicts, such as the McNulty Man, Jacqui Smith and others, would have their benefit cheating existence curtailed.
Now what gave me that idea!?!
No, the hapless Purnell (the fake photo fellow) is about to drive through legislation aimed at depriving alcoholics and drug addicts from receiving state benefits if they do not receive treatment. Liberal Democrat work and pensions spokesman Steve Webb has said the plans were "no more than typical New Labour posturing". Hear, hear to that. He added, "Threatening to deprive people of their basic benefits unless they recover from alcoholism is fundamentally inhumane. There are far too few support services for alcoholics, and there is no evidence that people who are threatened in this way are more likely to seek help." None whatsoever.
The likes of McNulty have been threatened with their benefits being stopped, but they show no sign of seeking help or changing their ways.
Pot calling the kettle black, I say!
Pax Americana?
Time was when the UK/Great Britain had the most powerful navy in the
world. Policy dictated having a larger navy than any other pair of
powerful nations. ...
8 hours ago
I like your attitude
I totally agree with you. Labour is going to penalise people who have reached the lowest point in life. Anyone who knows an alcoholic will know that often, people once in well paid jobs, with good career advancements and families have hit the wall of alcoholism and need the help of benefits they have paid into for years.
Labour is just trying to shift the news from their sleaze. It has not helped with its lax licensing laws and its reliance on the tax it brings in. I as a Tory would not support a Tory government doing this, let alone a greedy, sleazy Labour one.
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